Laboratory Department

Laboratory department

We have a range of services, which includes surveillance, diagnostic and advisory depending on the requirement of the client. Blood sample testing services for patients/clients is client based. The processes and procedure for preparation for each service are made available by request and hand-outs at the clinic.

Range of Tests available

Blood chemistry

Liver functioning tests, renal functioning tests, system function enzymes and personal life maintenance like cholesterol and diabetic monitoring.

Disease surveillance:

Medical examinations for disease monitoring and surveillance like food handling and occupational purposes

Laboratory Tests-general

This section provides information about the laboratory tests your doctor may use to screen for certain diseases or condition.

What are lab tests? Laboratory tests are medical procedures that involve testing samples of blood, urine or other tissue substances in the body.

Why does your doctor use lab tests? They help him/her to:

  • Identify changes in your health condition before any conditions occur
  • Diagnose a disease or condition before you have symptoms
  • Plan your treatment for a disease or condition
  • Evaluate your response to a treatment or
  • Monitor the course of disease over time.

How are lab tests conducted? After collection of the sample by client or doctor, it is sent to a laboratory where the laboratory performs tests on the sample to see if it reacts to different substances. Depending on the test reaction, it may mean to your doctor that you have or don’t have a particular condition. At times the laboratory will also compare the results with previous test results to see if there has been a change in the condition (monitoring).

What do lab tests show? The results will show whether or not they fall in a normal range. Test results are usually given in internationally recognized ranges. This is because normal values range from on individual to the other, meaning what is normal for one person may not be normal to another, thus all laboratory tests results must be interpreted within the context of your overall health and should be used along with other tests or examinations.

What affect your laboratory test results?  Many factors can affect test results, including but not limited to:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Race.