Radiology Department

Radiology department

Our radiology department is the only private radiology centre in Ngamiland District. We currently have the x-ray machine and ultrasound scan.

When visiting these departments a patient is required to bring a request form from the referring physician who will let the service provider know the examination to be done. That is X-ray and ultrasound. Our services are based on first come first serve. Except emergencies.


The service provider will tell you what is supposed to be done during and after each examination done. We have different examination with different preparations.



All examination in general radiography are done; and some of special examinations which does not need fluoroscopy.

What happens during a digital X-ray procedure?

You may be asked to stand or lie down on an examination table, depending on the part of the body to be examined. You will be able to communicate with the technician during the procedure.

What are the benefits and risks of a digital X-ray?

There is little reason to worry about the small amount of radiation you will be exposed to when you receive a digital X-ray. Most exams offer no discomfort, and often even no preparation, for the patient; although some may require certain preparations.

NB: Remember to inform the radiographer if you are pregnant.



Ultrasound can be used to detect abnormalities in your blood vessels, and frequently is used to evaluate fetal anatomy and growth during pregnancy. We do all medical ultrasound examinations; including general obstetrics.

What happens during the procedure?

A water-based gel is applied to the skin over the area to be examined to block any air between the skin and transducer, to eliminate friction on the skin, and provide the best quality images. The technologist then will place the transducer over the area that will be examined

What are the benefits and risks?

There is no ionizing radiation exposure with this procedure. Ultrasounds are painless, non-invasive and have the highest safety use in all of radiologic imaging. However, we still practice prudent use of ultrasound and specific modes of imaging, especially for obstetrical sonography.


All results after procedures are given to you within a few minutes then you will take them to your referring doctor or physician.